Katie Pande, Medical Herbalist joins us


Katie is a fully qualified Medical Herbalist with a BSc degree in Herbal Medicine and is an insured member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH). Previous to studying Herbal Medicine, Katie also completed a degree in Plant and Environmental Biology at the University of St. Andrews. Katie is currently the Senior Herbal Advisor for Pukka Organic Herbs in Bristol where she trains and educates both staff and customers on the benefits of medicinal plants.

Herbal Medicine flowers and tinctures

Herbal Medicine is one of the world's oldest forms of medicine. It utilises the medicinal properties of plants to encourage natural healing on a physical and emotional level. Herbal Medicine stimulates the body’s natural healing ability and helps the removal of obstacles blocking these processes. It does not mask unpleasant symptoms but instead gets to the root of the issue. Herbal Medicine can treat a wide range of symptoms and has effective tools for the treatment of conditions affecting every body system.

Katie is trained in Western Herbal Medicine, where she studied phytochemistry, anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, and differential diagnosis to degree level. She also incorporates influences from the rich, authentic traditional Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda. Katie practices with organic herbs, as this is central to her belief that a plant's true healing potential can only be realised when the plant is utilised in its most natural form. Katie believes that Herbal Medicine enables the individual to achieve true health and well-being through the establishment of whole body health.
Herbal Medicine can treat a wide range of symptoms and has effective tools for the treatment of conditions affecting every body system including:

  • Nervous
  • Emotional
  • Digestive
  • Reproductive & Fertility
  • Urinary
  • Heart & Circulatory
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Endocrine & Hormonal 
  • Immunity 

Consultations are detailed, covering the individual’s full medical and emotional history and taking diagnostic readings such as blood pressure and pulse. Medication is in the form of organic herbal tinctures with typical dosages being 10-15ml per day. 
Katie is a calm and reassuring practitioner who provides a comfortable and supportive environment for all patients.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 8.30-6pm

Selected Saturdays, please call for availability, closed bank holidays.






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01747 851726
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