Hip Pain


How Osteopaths can help Hip Pain:

Osteopaths can play a valuable role in assessing and treating hip pain, as they specialise in musculoskeletal health and can use manual techniques and exercise rehabilitation to address a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.

Hip pain can be caused by various factors, including injuries, overuse, underlying medical conditions, or structural issues, and osteopaths are trained to identify and diagnose the root causes of hip pain and provide appropriate treatment.

Here's how osteopaths may approach hip pain:

  1. History:  Ostepaths will begin by getting a thorough understanding of your concerns and symptoms and ascertaining what is important for you; competing better, gardening or being out of pain?
  2. Assessment: Osteopaths will continue by conducting a thorough assessment to determine the cause of the hip pain. This assessment may include a medical history review, physical examination, and sometimes diagnostic imaging ultrasound or MRI scans.
  3. Diagnosis: Once the assessment is complete, osteopaths will diagnose the specific issue causing the hip pain. Common causes of hip pain can include muscle imbalances, joint dysfunction, ligament or tendon injuries, bursitis, arthritis, or referred pain from the lower back or pelvis.
  4. Treatment: Osteopaths use manual techniques to address the underlying musculoskeletal issues contributing to hip pain. These techniques may include:
  • Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation: Osteopaths can use gentle, hands-on techniques to improve the range of motion and alignment of the hip joint.
  • Soft Tissue Techniques: They may employ various soft tissue techniques, such as myofascial release, massage, and stretching, to alleviate muscle tension and tightness around the hip.
  • Exercise and Rehabilitation: Osteopaths often provide exercises and stretches to strengthen weak muscles, improve flexibility, and support the healing process.
  • Postural Correction: If poor posture is contributing to hip pain, osteopaths can provide guidance on improving posture and ergonomics.
  • Dry needling / acupuncture and electrotherapy techniques.
  1. Pain Management: Osteopaths may use techniques to reduce pain and discomfort in the hip, such as pain-relieving modalities or recommendations for over-the-counter or prescription medications when appropriate.
  2. Lifestyle and Prevention: Osteopaths typically offer advice on lifestyle modifications, including recommendations for activity modification, ergonomic improvements, and strategies to prevent further hip issues.
  3. It is essential to remember that the specific treatment plan will vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause of the hip pain. Osteopaths work holistically, taking into account the overall health of the patient and how other body systems might be contributing to the pain.

Osteopaths can also be a valuable part of a comprehensive care team for individuals dealing with hip pain, working alongside other healthcare professionals as needed.

We have three Osteopaths at The Trinity Practice, Kevin Partridge, Emma Childs and Emma (Chip) Chippendale Ceely.

To make an appointment please click on the link below or for more information please visit our website or call us.

BOOK ONLINE            www.trinitypractice.co.uk               Telephone 01747 851726

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Monday - Friday 8.30-6pm

Selected Saturdays, please call for availability, closed bank holidays.






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