Menopause and Hip Pain
There are many well known symptoms of the menopause - the physical symptoms, such as hot flushes, and emotional symptoms which may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health.
One that is less well known is hip pain.
Hip pain is a common symptom experienced by women during peri and post menopause. The exact cause of hip pain during menopause is not yet fully understood, but research suggests that decreased levels of the anti-inflammatory hormone oestrogen is to blame.
Hip pain can occur from injury to the hip evoked from defects in the joint or as a result of trauma from high impact and deep bending of the joint. Hip and joint pain can also come about from the repetitive motion of certain movements or be due to health conditions that cause wear and tear on the joints .
To manage hip pain, menopausal women should first look into non-surgical methods to manage the discomfort. To begin with, hip joint pain can be managed with healthy habits that don’t exert the hip joints too much. Avoid practices that can tighten the muscles, thus adding to the pain at the side of the hip. This includes remaining sedentary for too long or crossing your legs. Also, take part in low-impact exercises like yoga, swimming, and Pilates to reduce joint impact.
Osteopathic treatment can help hip problems during the menopause and recent research shows that if appropriate, treatment can be combined with particular types of hormonal treatment and it may be more beneficial. Your osteopath will provide you with a diagnosis and treatment plan. Osteopaths will discuss your medical history and health relating to your hip pain. Examination may include nerve tests (reflexes etc), hip mobility tests and functional tests. Treatment may involve stretches, rehabilitation, exercises, acupuncture and advice. Your osteopath will also be able to signpost you to any other treatment which may be beneficial.
Under advice from a nutritionalist you may benefit by boosting your intake of foods rich in phytoestrogens in an attempt to fill the hormonal gap in addition to antioxidants, which help lessen inflammation. Or perhaps discuss the use of alternative medicines such as phytoestrogenic herbal supplements or hormone-regulating herbal supplements which work with the body to encourage its own hormone production. Also, try to decrease consumption of inflammation-producing products, such as processed foods, added sugars, animal fats, and refined starches .
We have three Osteopaths at The Trinity Practice, Kevin Partridge, Emma Childs and Emma (Chip) Chippendale Ceely.
To make an appointment please click on the link below or for more information please visit our website or call us.
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